3rd May Devotions

Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-25

This month is all about determination, deciding it’s worth it to finish what you’ve started. Have you ever run a race? To get a medal you have to keep going, even when it seems like you can’t go one more step. This is true in life too. Sometimes we’re tempted to quit when things get hard. But for those for follow Jesus, we receive a crown that lasts forever! Because Jesus can do anything, He can give us the power we need even when all we want to do is quit. We can keep going even when it seems impossible. This week, we’ll highlight four real life stories of determination.

Read the determination story below and then unscramble the letters to reveal the name of the person who kept going.  

This man was fired from his first job with a Newspaper company because his cartoons were not creative enough. He kept believing in himself and never gave up when things were tough. He became famous for his cartoons and created a place known as ‘The Happiest Place on Earth’. Who was he?  

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A L W T            Y N I D S E 

Ask God to help you run the race or finish what you start, even when it seems impossible.



Read 1 Corinthians 16:13

One of the awesome things about following God is that He promises to be with us, no matter what. When you have a big job to do, when the job seems way too hard, God can help you stand strong, be brave and finish with determination. That’s what Paul is talking about in today’s verse. Even when the task seems impossible, God is with you.

Let’s take a look at another story of determination. Can you name this famous inventor? Considered unteachable at a young age, this inventor continued to try and try again. While many would say he had failed, he would say that he simply found over 1,000 ways not to create a light bulb. Who was he?

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H T M O S A      N E I S D O

Ask God to give you the strength you need to remain strong, and keep going to finish what you’ve started.



Read Isaiah 41:10

Do you ever feel like quitting? Maybe you’ve tried and failed and you’re afraid you’ll NEVER get it right. That’s when you have to remember that God is with you. He can make you strong, help you and hold you safe. His way is always right. God will give you the strength you need to keep going, even when it seems impossible.

Check out this story of determination. Can you unscramble the name to discover the answer? This famous “colonel” didn’t start on his idea until the age of 60. He worked from age 60-73 to create and grow his business, sometimes even living in his car. Today, you can find a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant in 118 different countries. Who was he? (Hint: The first name starts with an “H”)

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L D R A A H N      D D A V I      N D S A E R S

Thank God for the reminder that you don’t have to be afraid even if you need to try again.



Read John 15:5

Ever popped a juicy grape into your mouth? Did you pluck it from the stem first? That stem is connected to the vine which supplies all the water and nutrients that grape needs to grow and become your snack. Jesus described Himself as the vine. You are the branch. When you stay connected to Jesus, He can help you keep going, to keep doing the right thing, and to keep loving others the way He loves.

Our last story of determination is about a man who kept going even when he faced SO many setbacks. Can you figure out who it is? He was cut from his school basketball team when he was young, he missed more the 9,000 shots in his career and lost almost 300 games. 26 times he had the opportunity to win the game with a shot, and missed. Yet he didn’t let these setbacks stop him from playing the game and becoming known as the best basketball player in history. Who was he?

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E L C A H M I     A O J D R N

Ask Jesus to help you stay connected to Him so you live the way He wants you to live.