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Presenced • Ps Luke de Jong • 16th February 2025

This year, we are called to live “presenced” —a term that speaks to a life deeply saturated with the Holy Spirit. It’s not just a concept or a slogan; it’s a personal revelation that will shape the course of our lives in 2025. To live a “presenced” life means that Jesus is revealed in us, through us, and around us. For the disciples, Jesus was everything. Yet, in the gospels, He told them, “It’s better that I go, for the Spirit will come.” This promise of the Holy Spirit invites us into a life where His presence is active, guiding us every step of the way.


Pillars or Altars • Ps Nadia Clark• 9th February 2025

Being commissioned means being released into a specific assignment. In the military, commissioning is a moment where individuals are released into their roles, empowered to fight for a cause. Similarly, we have been commissioned to fulfill God’s call, to fight for others, and to walk in His plan for our life.


Fresh Tracks • Ps Craig Clark• 2nd February 2025

Stepping out in faith often calls for a new perspective. By renewing our commitment, trusting God’s direction, and embracing His transformative work in our lives, we realise that faith isn’t just a routine—it requires continual revelation, fresh commitment, and trust in His guidance.



Why Serve? • Ps Craig Clark• 24th November 2024

Many stories have been shared about how serving has transformed people’s lives and left lasting impressions. Stories of how serving has brought hope to the hurting and broken. Stories of how through serving relationships are built, conversations are shared, prayers are prayed, and the love of Jesus is shown through the giving of time, money, and comfort. Serving is following Jesus’ example of how we are to love God and others. The opportunity to serve is available to everyone; where is God calling you to serve?


Why Reach? • Ps Daniel Brancatisano • 17th November 2024

In Jesus’ own words, it was his personal mission to reach people. In Luke 19:10 Jesus says, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. In addition to being a historical event, this mission continues to be a living mandate for us today. In following Jesus’ example, it is now our mission to become disciples who make disciples, influencing others and spreading Jesus’ message.


We All Doubt • Ps Joel Holm • 10th November 2024

We often find ourselves questioning whether God will answer our prayers, and this doubt can paralyse us, preventing us from living the full life Christ has for us. Jesus asks us to fight the good fight of faith, to trust Him even when circumstances seem overwhelming.


Why Pray • Ps Nadia Clark • 3rd November 2024

Spending time with God in prayer is one of the most exciting privileges wehave as believers. Many of us, however, practice prayer minimally, and some of us wonder why we should do it. So, why pray? God calls us to pray, ‘in every situation’ (Phil 4:6), ‘without ceasing’ (1 Thes 5:17) and without giving up (Luke 18:1). Your heavenly Father wants you to talk to Him – regularly, continually, and persistently. Jesus prioritised prayer. Jesus made communion with God the first priority in His life. His approach to prayer was intentional and disciplined. He often rose early and went to a quiet place where He could focus on His Father (Mark 1:35-38). Prayer strengthens us against temptation, In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus told His disciples to, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation” (Matt 26:41). Even so, the disciples fell asleep. Yes, prayer can be hard work; it can even be a struggle. But it is also a sure way to withstand temptation. God uses our prayers to accomplish His will, through prayer, God allows us to be involved in His work that will go on forever. When we pray, we participate in God’s will being accomplished “on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matt 6:9-10). What a privilege!


Expansion Update • Ps Craig Clark • 27th October 2024

Expansion is about leaving a generational legacy and creating a launchpad for God’s kingdom mission for decades to come. It’s about seeing the hungry, the lonely, and the hurting as Jesus Himself and responding with love and action. And as a church, we celebrate the incredible journey of expansion and the tangible impact of our collective faith and generosity. God has given us a vision to extend His kingdom, and through our annual Expansion offering, we are advancing His work in our community and beyond. This is not just about programs or facilities; it’s about people and the eternal impact we can make together.

As we continue in this expansion season, let’s each be encouraged to find our place in this vision. Whether you’ve been part of the church for years or are new, there’s room for you to contribute. It’s not about the amount you give but the heart behind it. God calls us to live out of a revelation of His word, and as we respond in faith, we can collectively impact our generation with the reality of Jesus. Let’s not be satisfied with what we’ve achieved but continue to stretch and reach further, knowing that in God’s hands, our efforts are multiplied beyond what we could achieve alone.


Why Gratitude? • Ps Nadia Clark • 20th October 2024

Celebrating the first anniversary in our new building, we are reminded of the importance of pausing to praise God for His goodness in our lives. Throughout Scripture, God’s people have built altars and held festivals to commemorate His miracles and blessings. Together we take a moment to honour God for His unwavering presence and the countless ways He has worked in our lives, families, friendships, and church community. We reflect on the story of the ten lepers in Luke 17:11-19, where only one returned to thank Jesus after being healed. This narrative serves as a powerful reminder of our tendency to rush through life, constantly seeking the next thing, and often forgetting to pause and praise God for His blessings. In a world driven by materialism and comparison, praise is a countercultural act that brings clarity, contentment, and purpose. It is a reminder that our worth is not found in possessions or achievements but in our relationship with God. Let us commit to pausing and praising God more often, acknowledging His presence and goodness in every aspect of our lives.


Dare to Dream Again • Ps David McCracken • 13th October 2024

The prophetic is profound in its simplicity and power, it is not about strange rituals or mysterious practices but about aligning with God’s ways and seeing glimpses of His plans. The prophetic is about understanding God’s intentions, not necessarily predicting the future. It’s about seeing what God sees and bringing those visions to life.


Why the Bible? • Ps Daniel Brancatisano • 6th October 2024 

The Bible is the single most important book ever written. It is an eyewitness account of historical events of such magnitude that they have literally shaped the world in which we live. The Bible is our daily bread, sustaining us and providing the nourishment we need for our faith journey. It’s a map for life, refining and defining our worldview. It challenges us to align our lives with God’s Word, allowing it to shape our perspectives and actions. Ultimately, the Bible is the revelation of Jesus, pointing us to Him and helping us grow in our relationship with Him. Keep turning the pages of this life changing book. Read it with an open mind and open heart. It contains pure truth about God, about life, the nature of mankind and our own hearts as human beings. The Gospel of John is a wonderful place to start, but read the whole thing — Old and New Testaments. You’ll be amazed what you discover about God, and about yourself.


Why Unity? • Ps Craig Clark • 29th September 2024

Even though we may come from different backgrounds, cultures, and preferences, we are united in Christ and despite our visible differences, we are fundamentally the same, created in the image of God. The enemy seeks to divide us by making our preferences primary, but God’s love transcends these differences, uniting us as one body. Scripture does not refer to race but emphasises that we are all of one blood, descendants of Adam, and made in God’s image. This unity is not about uniformity but about bringing together our unique gifts and strengths to form a beautiful, strong, and effective body of Christ. We are reminded that in Christ, there is no Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male, or female; we are all one. 


Why Church? • Ps Luke de Jong • 22nd September 2024

Church is not just a place we go to; it is the bride of Christ, a living, breathing community where we encounter God and each other in profound ways. Acts 2, paints a vivid picture of the early Church—a community devoted to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, sharing meals, and prayer. This thriving community was marked by generosity, unity, and miraculous signs, embodying the essence of what the Church should be. The Church is not just man’s idea, but it is God’s plan established by Jesus Himself to show the world what things can look like when Gods in charge!


Why Worship? • Ps Nadia Clark • 15th September 2024

Worship isn’t merely the hour, once a week, that we gather on a Sunday. Worship is every hour, of every day, in each week and month and year; it is a deep, heartfelt expression of our devotion to God. In worship we offer up praise, and we experience the presence of God that shapes us, heals us, restores us, and speaks to us individually and collectively as the body of Christ. Worship brings us closer to God, aligns our hearts with His, and unlocks His power in our lives. As we worship Him with all our hearts, let’s give Him the honour and devotion He deserves.


Why Repent? • Mark Varughese • 8th September 2024

Repentance has often been linked to a dirty word! A word associated with shame, guilt, or embarrassment. But when we look closer at scripture, what we find is that Repentance is a gift from God. It is a divine invitation to change our minds and our directions, to turn away from sin and turn towards God. The story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 beautifully illustrates this. After squandering his inheritance, the son comes to his senses and returns to his father, who welcomes him with open arms. This is a picture of God’s grace and the joy that comes with true repentance. Repentance is more than just feeling sorry for our sins; it involves a genuine change of heart and direction. Many people mistake momentary regret for repentance, but true repentance leads to a transformation in behaviour and mindset. It is a daily practice, not a one-time event. Repentance removes sin, guilt, and shame, restoring our joy and peace. Repentance is not just about turning away from sin but also about turning towards a higher way of thinking and living. In practical terms, we should learn to repent before we act, not just after. This proactive approach can transform our interactions, decisions, and even our spiritual walk.


Be Strong and Courageous • Ps Craig Clark • 1st September 2024

Young Joshua is now the leader of the Israelites after Moses. It is now his responsibility to lead them into the promise land that Moses never was able to do in his day. Like Joshua, each of us has these moments when God calls us to step out and lead the way, to conquer new territories and break generational chains. We are called to lead our family, to lead in our job, lead ourselves, to lead in our community. When we are obedient and step out to do what He has called us to do, He will give us all the strength and courage that we need.


Why Jesus • Ps Scott Thornton • 25th August 2024

The question has been asked and debated for generations. Why Jesus? Who is Jesus? Is Jesus really the only way to God? Some say he was Lord; some say a good man, a prophet, or a teacher. Others say he was just the son of a carpenter, others call him a liar. Wherever you find yourself, or have others asking you, History, culture, and Scripture agree that all of life centres on our answer to this one question: Why Jesus?


Directing Desires • Ps Craig and Nadia Clark • 18th August 2024

God’s design for our desires, particularly in the area of sexuality, is meant to align with His Word rather than the trends of the world. True transformation comes from embracing Jesus’ grace, which guides us to live in accordance with the Father’s love rather than the culture of the day. This grace meets us where we are and has the power to transform our lives.
Sex, as designed by God, is intended to be enjoyed within the covenant of marriage. This design brings joy, unity, and freedom. In contrast, the world often promotes uncommitted and experimental sexual behaviour’s that deviate from God’s plan, leading to destruction and heartache. Surrendering these desires to God allows for the restoration and grace that only He can provide. We are all called to align our desires with the Spirit. This requires mindfulness about what we consume and setting boundaries to protect our hearts and minds, ensuring that our desires are directed towards what is holy and fulfilling.


Sex Gods Way • Ps Craig and Nadia Clark • 11th August 2024

Today, we tackled the often-avoided topic of sex from God’s perspective,
emphasising its purity and intended design. We highlighted the dangers of an over sexualized culture and the need for parents to teach their children a biblical view of sex. We discussed the enemy’s tactics to distort this gift and the importance of staying vigilant. The good news is that no one is exempt from God’s grace. Whether you are struggling with sexual immorality or any other sin, Jesus offers a way forward. He does not condemn but invites us to rise, leave our life of sin, and walk in the fullness of His love and purpose.


Think Your Way Free • Ps Lucas Connell • 4th August 2024

 Ps Lucas Connell spoke of the power of faith and the importance of renewing our minds to achieve spiritual freedom. He shared his personal testimony of overcoming drug addiction and mental torment through faith and the transformative power of God’s Word. For all of us, changing our thinking patterns to align with God’s truth, leads to living in the fullness of Christ and walking in God’s perfect will. 


Relationships God’s Way • Ps Mark Kelsey • 28th July 2024

For the most part, our lives are defined by our relationships. And the joy of life is often determined by how well we function in those relationships. There is no doubt we need as much help as we can get to prepare us for life’s ups and downs in this area! While learning relational skills can help us deal with some relationship issues, applying God’s Word continually is the best way to move forward together.


Love is Patient • Ps Craig & Nadia Clark • 21st July 2024

Today, it is so much easier to be impatient than it is to be patient. There are many reasons for this; our own temperaments, our upbringings, the fast-paced world we live in are just a few. However, no reason or excuse is valid! As followers of Jesus, we are called to a life of patience, for patience is a fruit of Holy Spirit, and by choosing patience, we fulfill the command Jesus gave us. John 13:34 Jesus says, ‘A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.’ This is how God intended for our relationships to be all along.


Becoming Present • Ps David & Sally Doery • 14th July 2024

Often, the quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives. The relationships we have with our spouses, children, friends, at school, at university, in our community, at church, and at work. All these relationships are incredibly important, and being fully present with the people we love, respect, and value is a true art in today’s world filled with so many demands on our time and attention. If we are not present in our relationships, we won’t be able to get the most out of them – and neither will our family, friends, or colleagues. There is good news: there are ways to bring out the best in our relationships! By applying these practices, our relationships will be changed for the better!

Echoes of Eternity • Ps Nadia Clark – 7 July 2024
The 31st of December 1999 was a day of celebration for five million Sydneysiders as the countdown to the new year began. Following the fireworks, under the arch of the famous Harbour Bridge appeared the first word of the third millennium in gold letters: Eternity. It was a word affectionately associated with Sydney’s history, and with one man in particular, Arthur Malcolm Stace.  It is estimated that he wrote the word, Eternity, every day, for almost 35 years, totalling up to half a million times. A new meaning was given to eternity when Arthur found God on August 6, 1930. It wasn’t enough for him to keep the good news to himself, so he sought to inspire others to see beyond the temporal world and consider God.

What an amazing legacy he left behind more than 90 years later! It is worthwhile to ask ourselves the question, what is the eternal legacy we will leave behind?


Making Way for a Miracle • Ps Craig Clark – 30th June 2024

The story of the Feeding the Five Thousand in John 6:1-15 tells of Jesus asking Philip to feed the crowd which has followed them all day. It was impossible to provide bread to everyone, according to Philip – there weren’t enough resources! However, the disciples discovered a boy with five loaves of bread and two fish for his meal. The boy gives up his food to the disciples and it is then that Jesus takes the meal, blesses it, and begins to break it into pieces. As the breaking continued, it did not stop. It kept multiplying until everyone in the crowd was full. And even then, there were twelve baskets full of leftovers. There are times when we can relate to Phillip, wondering how we are going to fulfill needs that seem impossible, or when we think the little, we have isn’t enough to make a difference. Be encouraged. When we keep our hands open and trust God, we make a way for a miracle!


Seeing Expansion in our Lives • Ps Lee Domingue and Ps Luke de Jong – 23rd June 2024

God has placed us exactly where we need to be, to fulfill our calling and purpose, and to be a part of expanding His Kingdom. Whether we work in business, stay at home raising children, study, are retired, or work in ministry, each of us has a role to play in God’s kingdom.

This being the case, let’s not be distracted by comparison, offense or by our own ambitions, or disheartened by our past mistakes and failures.

Whatever our journey has been so far, when we give God what’s in our hands, He will refine us and use us to outwork everything He has placed in our hearts.

Let’s be encouraged that God is moving, and He wants to expand our lives, our families, our communities, our church, and our businesses to their complete fulfillment in Him!


Belong, Believe & Build
This study will help you and your Group unpack and understand how we outwork our vision of bringing Jesus to our generation.

Be with Jesus, Become like Jesus, Do what Jesus Did
Gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a modern day disciple of Jesus.

Discipleship Devotional
Gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a modern day disciple of Jesus with this 10 day devotional.

Sabbath Devotional
This 7 day devotional will help equip and encourage you to create a biblical rhythm of rest in your life.

Obedience Devotional
This 7 day devotional will help equip you to live in a fresh surrender and a revelation of what God is calling you to.

Water Baptism
This study will help you take your Group through the why and what of baptism.

Prayer and Fasting
We have gathered and created some helpful information and resources to learn more about why we pray and fast, including studies for your Group.

Spirit, Sacred and Divine
A Group study for cultivating spiritual friends, sharing sacred moments, for a divine purpose.

This three session Group study will help you take your Group through what, why and how we sabbath.

This three session Group study will help you take your Group through understanding how obedience is a way to show our love for our heavenly father and live in a greater level of freedom.

God’s Word
This five session Group study will help you take your Group through; why the Bible matters, what does it say and how does it speak to us today. 

There is also a God’s Word 7-day devotional you could do together as a Group. 

God, Money & Me
Leaders guide and video resource to take your Group through Ps Paul de Jong’s God, Money & Me curriculum.

Group study and questions to assist learning what it means to follow the ONE and to share the ONE with others.