Help & Hope Week
March 31 - April 5
9am, 11am and 6pm
Situated close to the Melbourne CBD, LIFE Melbourne is an open door available to anyone who desires to discover a real relationship with a loving and grace filled God.
Our hope is that you would find all you need as our house becomes your home. A place where you can be completely yourself. Our prayer is that every person that walks into LIFE Melbourne would find faith, family and have a heap of fun on the journey.
On-Site Parking
We have a number of on-site parks available for those attending our services Upon arrival, please follow the directions of our friendly car park team, who are there to help you find a spot quickly and easily.
*please note these parks are limited and may reach capacity. See info below about nearby street parking and our shuttle bus service
Accessible Parking
Dedicated accessible parking spaces are available on-site for people with disabilities, mobility challenges, and parents with prams. Let our team when you arrive, and they will guide you to these convenient spaces.
Street Parking
In addition to our on-site parking, several street parking options are just a short walk away. If our on-site parking is full, you may be directed to one of these nearby spots. Our team is happy to assist you in finding the closest available parking.
When parking on streets nearby, please take care to check parking signage and cross roads in a safe manner.
LIFE Shuttle Bus (Kensington Road)
In order to make attending our services as easy as possible, we have a Shuttle Bus Service to help bring you and your family to and from your car when parking on Kensington Road.
When you park on Kensington road you will see our LIFE Shuttle along with LIFE flags and one of our team at the Shuttle stop. Make your way over and hop on the shuttle. For getting back to your car after, the shuttles will run for 30mins after the service finishes from outside the front doors.
For more parking information, visit lifeau.org/planmyvisit.
Adventure Kids runs during every Sunday service and is located on your left as you enter the building. We have age specific programmes for children up to Grade 6.You can register your kids as soon as you arrive, and will be contacted if you are needed throughout the service.
We have a parents’ room located just off our foyer feeding + tea & coffee facilties. Our services are linked via TV so that you can enjoy the service while looking after bubs.
On any given Sunday, you will first see our friendly car-parking team directing you to available parking spaces on-site or in designated areas courtesy of local businesses.
Our welcome team will greet you at the door and assist you to find the kids' check in if you would like to register your child for our preschool or primary in service programme Adventure Kids. For those with babies under the age of 1, a hosted parents' room is also available with areas for feeding and enjoying the service.
Our 70 min services include time for contemporary praise and worship as well as a relevant message.
Our Adventure Kids programmes run at every service, for children aged 1 until they finish primary school.
Find Out MoreA night for high schoolers aged 12-17 years, epic is a non-smoking, alcohol-free and drug-free event that happens every week.
Find Out MoreOur home has the welcome mat out beyond just our Sunday services. It doesn't stop there - this belonging, this welcoming heart is seen in all we do behind the scenes of journeying with each other through the twists and turns of life - through hardship and heartache to great joy and celebrations.
Craig and Nadia have been in ministry at LIFE for over 16 years. They began as Youth and Young Adult pastors, and with their love for the local church, this expanded to them leading within many areas of ministry over the years. In 2013, God clearly spoke about leaving NZ and moving to Australia to lead, love and step into all God had in store for LIFE in Melbourne. The incredible people finding home and all God has done over the past 5+ years and continues to do is nothing short of miraculous. Their love for the local church is only increasing, and now 16 years married and with three children they are having a lot of fun as they live to impact and change Melbourne and Australia with the reality of Jesus.
Events at LIFE Melbourne