We invite you to take time this Easter to slow down...

...to meditate on the significance of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, and to respond as you journey through.

As it's self-guided, The Watch can be completed any time over the Easter weekend.

The Watch Experience


The Watch comprises of four segments—what we call stations—in which you can move from one to another at your own pace.

Each segment has scripture and responses for you to work through. Some stations have a few different ways you can respond – you can choose to do just one, or all of them. There are no time restrictions for any station, we’d just encourage you to move slowly through them to make the most of the experience.

Individually or Together

The Watch can be done as an individual, a couple, a household, flat or even as a Group online. Look through each station and decide how best you want to complete it.

If it works in your house, The Watch is a simple way to draw closer as a group and steward a sense of community and connection God, so we’d encourage you to complete it as a household. Designate someone to lead the whole experience, or a different person to lead each station, with them reading out loud the scriptures and guiding everyone through the responses. There are great opportunities for any children in the household to engage as well.

A Shared Experience

We’d also love to share this experience with you – take a photo or video of your set up or responses and post them to social media. Tag LIFE on Instagram or Facebook and use the tags #youareknown and #easteratLIFE

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

What You'll Need


  • Bible
  • Access to this guide
  • Paper
  • Pens
  • Jar
  • Grape juice and bread for communion (you can substitute this with whatever you might have at home already)

Setting the Scene

We’d encourage you to create a special environment by setting your space up for The Watch. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Choose a spot in your house that is comfortable, somewhere you want to spend a bit of time while you move through this guide.
  • Dim lighting and/or candles help create a sacred environment.
  • Limit the amount of devices on and around you – it’s easy to be distracted by them. You could choose just one to have this guide on, and leave the others in another room.


We have curated a playlist specifically for this moment, available on Spotify now.

If you can’t use Spotify, have a look for instrumental worship music out available to you or something that will add to your environment without distracting you.