Easter is a significant season to remember who Jesus is and the sacrifice He made for each of us. It's a powerful reminder that each of us is seen, heard, valued, loved and known.

Take time here to remind yourself of who God is, and how you are known through Him.

I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me – just as the Father knows me and I know the Father – and I lay down my life for the sheep.
John 10:14-15


Take time to write down the things that you appreciate about God's specific, unique and intentional design for you.

If you're doing this with your household, use this time to also write down something encouraging for each person you are with. Spend time sharing these with each other, reminding each other that you are known, valued and loved.

Additional Resources

If you wish to spend a little more time on this topic, here are some other things you could add in.

Read Psalm 139 aloud.

Listen to 'Known' by Tauren Wells.

Read Luke 12:6-7 and meditate on how you truly you are known.